Vitana' s RMS is the next generation comprehensive retail Management ERP solution that not enables smart operations but also with its embedded artificial intelligence, the tool is capable of doing Vendor and Order managements on its own.

RMS also has a very generic production workflow management module that enables the user configure their own workflows in the tool essentially enabling them continue to adopt the tool with minimal training and roll out planning requirements. A true testimonial to the user experience standards of Vitana.

"We were always hesitating to adopt a software for operations as we were afraid that the installation process will impact current orders which we could not afford. Also, we did not find a application that could assure us operations continuity in case of a network issue. It took us less than a week to finalize and roll out RMS in our premises. Hats-off to team Vitana for their impeccable standards. "

- Creative Printing & Packaging Solutions,




RMS is first of its kind with a capability to run offline continuing all the features of online mode. A patent has been filed by Vitana on this technology.



Tool has an ability to automate vendor and order management for raw materials. Through integrated communication, the tool keeps the management posted on stock status.



Using Vitana proprietary Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning frameworks, we have delivered solutions that are capable of reporting the internal failures. So, we reach out to our users if they are facing any issue with the system.

Advantages and Benefits